Can the perfume bottle be unscrewed?

2021-10-03 08:28

  Can the perfume bottle be unscrewed?

  The perfume bottle cannot be unscrewed. The reasons are as follows:

  1. The perfume bottle is designed to be sealed and cannot be opened at will.

perfume bottle

  2. If the perfume is not in a sealed environment, but is exposed to the air for a long time, it is easy to volatilize and deteriorate, which is not conducive to the storage of the perfume.

  3. Many perfumes contain alcohol and other ingredients, so it is not suitable for direct or large-area contact with the skin, etc.;

  4. The mouth of many perfume bottles is made of aluminum, with a sealed design, which cannot be opened at will under normal non-destructive conditions.

  5. It is not advisable to mix a variety of different perfumes, otherwise it may produce a strange smell, cause discomfort, and even a certain chemical reaction may occur.

  In summary, the perfume bottle cannot be unscrewed, otherwise it would not conform to the design and would not be conducive to the storage of perfume.

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